
Arthouses International focuses on providing you with better jewelry

Quality will always be the number one priority delivering to our customers!

 Products from Arthouses not only can be seen from major events such as the Beijing Olympic, but also can be found with Harrods, Disney, Walmart, Duty Free Stores, Specialty Store, Department Store and online store items ranging from souvenirs, key-rings, pins, women's jewelries to men's accessories! It is the company's strong believe that "Quality will always be the number one priority delivering to our customers!"


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The company is committed to quality jewelry.

Arthouses International Co., Ltd is committed to design a variety of materials and various shapes of fashion jewelry.

1990 Set Up Facility In Zhuhai China


Beijing Olympic Emblem Jewelry Production

ProductsfromArthousesnotonlycanbeseenfrommajoreventssuchastheBeijingOlympic,butalsocanbefoundwithHarrods,Disney,Walmart,DutyFreeStores,SpecialtyStore,DepartmentStoreandonlinestoreitemsrangingfromsouvenirs,key-rings,pins,women'sjewelriestomen'saccessories! Itisthecompany'sstrongbelievethat"Qualitywillalwaysbethenumberoneprioritydeliveringtoourcustomers!"

Build standards and specifications suitable for China's IT service operation with SPS as the core

The Group believes that in the information age of economic globalization, informatization will become the only way for SMEs to enhance their competitiveness, and e-commerce will become the key path for enterprises to achieve informatization. Therefore, the Group will continue to focus on promoting the e-commerce and informatization process of small and medium-sized enterprises in China, continue to innovate, continue to provide more and better services, build intelligent Chinese enterprises, and become smart entrepreneurs!

The company is committed to quality jewelry.

Arthouses International Co., Ltd is committed to design a variety of materials and various shapes of fashion jewelry.

1990 Set Up Facility In Zhuhai China
